MRO Industry Rolling Daily Updates (March 2025)

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March 7, 2025

Dedienne Renews CFM Leap Tooling License

Dedienne Aerospace has renewed its tooling license with CFM International for the Leap engine platform for another decade. The agreement is focused on meeting tooling needs of Safran Aircraft Engines, GE Aerospace engine shops, CFM-branded service agreement holders and third-party providers.

GA Telesis U.S. SPAH Gets Brazilian Certification

GA Telesis Engine Services’ U.S. specialized procedures aero engine hospital (SPAH) facility has received certification from the National Civil Aviation Authority of Brazil, giving it authorization to provide maintenance, repair and recertification services for Brazilian-registered aircraft engines. GA Telesis says the U.S. SPAH facility will pursue additional certifications in the Latin America region this year to further expand support for customers there.

March 6, 2025

Mammoth Freighters Achieves Cargo Door Milestone

Mammoth Freighters and Aspire MRO have installed the main cargo door on Mammoth’s 777-300ERMF freighter. The companies are hoping to achieve a supplemental type certificate for the passenger-to-freighter conversion by the end of this summer.

AAR, Chromalloy Sign PW4000 PMA Deal

AAR has signed an exclusive distribution and license agreement with Chromalloy covering parts manufacturer approval (PMA) high-pressure turbine blades for the Pratt & Whitney PW4000 engine platforms manufactured by Chromalloy subsidiary BELAC. AAR says the contract will ensure guaranteed stock levels for the T1 blade on the PW4000 and complement its existing distribution agreements for BELAC’s T1 and T2 blades for the General Electric CF6-80C2 engine platform.

March 5, 2025

Falcon Technic Plans Dubai MRO Facility Upgrade

United Arab Emirates (UAE)-based MRO provider and FBO Falcon Technic announced plans to invest $100 million to upgrade its facilities at Al Maktoum International Airport in Dubai. The company received CAR 145 approval from the UAE’s General Civil Aviation Authority to launch MRO operations last year.

AAR Adds Unison Products To Defense Department Supply Deal

AAR has added distribution support of certain parts manufactured by Unison to its supplier capabilities contract with Defense Logistics Agency Aviation, through which it provides supply chain support to the Defense Department and U.S. allies. The new agreement will leverage AAR’s exclusive distribution capabilities for sole source spare Unison parts to support various military aircraft platforms.

March 4, 2025

Air France Taps SriLankan Engineering For Maldives Maintenance

SriLankan Engineering has signed a long-term agreement with Air France to provide line maintenance services in the Maldives. The agreement covers a wide range of aircraft types in Air France’s fleet, including the Airbus A330 and A350 and the Boeing 777 and 787.

Muirhead Avionics/Ametek MRO Gets New Accreditation

Muirhead Avionics/Ametek MRO has received ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation from the United Kingdom Accreditation Service relating to its calibration and testing laboratory requirements. The company says its calibration laboratory has a fully compliant calibration management system, quality manual, and documented procedures and processes.