Embraer and Rheinmetall have announced the companies are "in discussions to expand their training network with a focus on the C-390."
A statement issued June 6 by the airframer indicates that European C-390 users' training requirements are such that a dedicated training center in Europe will likely be necessary.
At present, all C-390 training takes place in Brazil, where Brazilian, Portuguese and Hungarian C-390 crews carry out initial training on a full flight and mission simulator (FFMS) and a loadmaster training station. The Portuguese Air Force bought their own FFMS as part of their acquisition of the aircraft: this will be installed at Beja Air Base. According to Embraer, the Netherlands is also "planning to have their own FFMS in the country."
"With the ongoing success of the C-390 throughout Europe, it is the right moment to start the evaluation and planning for a European C-390 training hub, providing comprehensive training facilities for aircrew and cargo operation training," Timo Haas, Rheinmetall AG's CDO said, according to the Embraer statement. As well as the sales to Portugal, Hungary and the Netherlands, Austria is set to acquire the platform, while Greece has evaluated the C-390 as a potential replacement for its C-130H fleet and Sweden has been reported to be considering an order.
There is no indication yet as to where a European training hub may be located. Ayslan Anholon, vice president for flight operations and training within Embraer's services and support division, says the company "continuously monitor[s] the network and asses[es] customized solutions per region as the fleet grows."