Washington has cleared the way for Japan to acquire more extended-range Lockheed Martin AGM-158B/B-2 Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles (JASSM-ER).
A request for information for the Extended Range Attack Munition (ERAM) released on Jan. 30 by the USAF weapons directorate reveals minimum requirements.
The U.S. DSCA says Japan's package includes 50 JASSM-ER missiles, JASSM Anti-Jam Global Positioning System Receivers (JAGR) and relevant support systems.
The next increment of OASuW is the Hypersonic Air-Launched Offensive (HALO) weapon, first disclosed in a budget request in 2022 with prototypes expected this year.
The acquisition of the cruise missile helps Australia recover some of the long range striking power that the RAAF lost when the F-111Cs retired in 2011.