A secretive DARPA office has a new project: a large hypersonic bomber prototype. The Aerospace Projects Office keeps a low profile, even by DARPA standards.
New U.S. Air Force leadership must decide the shape of the next generation of air superiority technology, with the stakes high for industry and U.S. airpower.
Kratos Defense and Security recently completed the first flight of its stealthy uncrewed combat air vehicle Thanatos, proving out the aircraft’s basic design.
A decade’s worth of investment to counter the latest Russian and Chinese threats is finally close to entering operational service across the U.S. fighter fleet.
A four-year-old concept to adapt uncrewed aircraft to role-play as adversaries during training missions is back in development after a two-year hiatus.
The additional orders come after the Air Force selected Anduril and General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. (GA-ASI) for CCA Increment 1 prototypes in April.