Turkish Aerospace

By Tony Osborne
Leaders in the sector say business is on an upward trajectory after years of stagnation.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Spain says TAI's Hurjet advanced jet trainer is “well positioned” to replace the country’s aging fleet of Northrop SF-5 lead-in fighter trainers.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Spanish Air Chief Gen. Francisco Braco Carbo was flown in one of two Hurjet development aircraft.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By Graham Warwick, Robert Wall
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
The manufacturer said the first flight took place on Dec. 30 from the company’s Ankara campus.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By Tony Osborne
Spain has provisionally selected Turkish Aerospace Industries' (TAI) Hurjet to replace its aging fleet of Northrop SF-5 lead-in fighter trainers.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
New orders are rolling in, buoyed by upticks in defense spending and increased demand from the public safety, air ambulance and energy sectors.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Major events in aerospace and defense during 2024.

By Matthew Jouppi
The Aviation Week Intelligence Network is tracking $193 billion in open opportunities for military aircraft over the next decade.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
With Hawk engine issues snagging the UK Royal Air Force’s pilot training pipeline, the service could soon seek a replacement.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By Tony Osborne
The second prototype of Turkish Aerospace’s Hurjet advanced jet trainer has completed its first flight, becoming airborne from the company’s Ankara base.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By Tony Osborne
The manufacturer is casting its net abroad as it aims to become one of the 30 largest defense companies globally.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Tony Osborne
The attack on Turkish Aerospace Industries’ headquarters likely will strengthen the resolve of the fledging aircraft manufacturer.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) has delivered the first T625 Gokbey utility helicopters to the country’s military police.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Gunfire and explosions were heard at the company site west of Ankara.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Chen Chuanren
Turkish Aerospace Industries has officially opened an office in Bandung, Indonesia.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.

By Tony Osborne
Turkish Aerospace (TAI) has shifted priorities in its rotary-wing programs and will focus its attention on developing a 10-metric-ton utility helicopter.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
TAI has launched assembly of the next two Kaan combat aircraft prototypes but issues within the supply chain are pacing the indigenous program.
Farnborough Airshow

By Robert Wall, Tony Osborne
The region is going shopping to address defense shortfalls, with counter-UAS on most countries’ lists.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Tony Osborne
Temel Kotil, the general manager of Turkish Aerospace, has been replaced after leading the company for eight years.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Our roundup of the main aerospace and defense stories making the news this week.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Tony Osborne
Turkish Aerospace Industries has revealed it is advancing development of a second prototype of the Kaan indigenous combat aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Footage from Turkish Aerospace Industries of Kaan's second flight shows oscillation of the elevons during takeoff seen during the first flight has been fixed.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Chen Chuanren, Brian Everstine, Tony Osborne
Surprise Chinese attack helicopter appearance highlights worldwide trend despite increase in low-altitude threats.
Light Attack and Advanced Training