
Sponsored By Embraer
On December 5th Embraer will be sharing an update about their Energia family, live from Amsterdam and São José dos Campos.
Small Narrowbody Jets

Sponsored By Embraer
A decade after it was introduced on its family of first-generation E-Jets in 2012, AHEAD (Aircraft Health Analysis and Diagnosis) is still saving airlines time and money. Over the last ten years, Embraer has continuously added more features and diagnostic tools. Learn More

Sponsored By Hexagon
How to land on a cost-effective digital manufacturing strategy.

Watch this video to learn more about how collaboration will shape the future of aviation and the upcoming market trends.
Air Transport

Sponsored By KPMG
This webinar reviews findings from the KPMG/Aviation Week Innovation Study.
Knowledge Center

Sponsored By Siemens
Large aircraft manufacturers are moving to model-based processes for collaboration with their partners and suppliers. CIMdata's work with the A&D PLM Action Group highlights the challenges these companies face and their requirements for an improved solution.

Sponsored By Siemens
When design or manufacturing issues are discovered late in the process, it’s because design intent is lost on the shop floor. View this webinar to learn more.
Knowledge Center

Sponsored by Dassault
Now Available On-demand! As mechanical systems become more complex to design, build and deliver, OEMs and suppliers need to accelerate innovation
Knowledge Center

Sponsored By American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 
Aviation Week Network checked in with the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) Executive Director Dan Dumbacher for a status report on existential threats to the planet and the strategies -both underway and in development -required to mitigate climate change and, yes- save the planet. Here are some highlights.

Sponsored by MTU Aero Engines AG
With its Claire technology agenda, MTU Aero Engines elaborates potential solutions to vastly reduce the climate impact and fuel consumption of aircraft engines.

Hear why the majority of industry executives surveyed in Accenture’s latest Commercial Aerospace Insight Report remain cautiously optimistic about the market’s

Sponsored By KPMG
Knowledge Center

Sponsored By Evident/Olympus
Get fast, reliable, lab-quality measurements for turbine blade manufacturing, inspection and repair, aircraft window inspection and aerospace paint and coatings – maximizing your productivity and throughput.

Sponsored by HAECO
Let us first look at engine services to work out the challenges faced in aircraft MRO. In engine MRO, the biggest cost driver is often related to
MRO Europe

Sponsored by DASI
Watch video to learn more about DASI Inventory Solutions
MRO Europe

Sponsored By IFS
Advanced air mobility (AAM) organizations face some challenges as they advance from the design and prototype stage to production. Robert Mather, Vice President of Aerospace and Defense industries for IFS, recently shared some of his thoughts on the state of the industry and what’s next for AAM manufacturers.

Sponsored by SITA AIRCRAFT
Adverse and significant weather events are becoming the norm as global weather patterns change in response to climate change. Learn how SITA can plan, predict, and perfect your flight operations.
Air Transport

Sponsored By SmartSky Networks
Aviation week interviews David Helfgott , CEO of SmartSky Networks, about the company’s transition from deployment to operations and how their new network connects aviation to what matters most. Read this white paper to learn more.

Sponsored By Siemens
专家问答:《Aviation Week Network - 航空周刊》采访了西门子数字化工业集团航空航天与国防部战略总监约翰·奥康纳。(John O’Connor),了解数字化如何改变从设计到生产多个流程的业绩 | Ask The Expert: Aviation week interviews John O’Connor Director, A&D Strategy at Siemens Digital Industries Software about how digitalization is transforming business performance from design to production.
Aerospace & Defense

Sponsored By PwC
The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) is a far-reaching piece of U.S. legislation highly relevant to companies doing business with foreign governments and foreign state-owned entities, and of particular interest to the aviation sector. Having an effective compliance program and effective internal controls are critical safeguards against running afoul of the FCPA.

Sponsored By Siemens
Augustine’s “Law XVI” noted that every generation of aircraft is more expensive than the last, and for decades this “law” seemed to be true. Now the spiral of rising aircraft development costs has finally been conquered, thanks to new digital capabilities to handle the complexity that drives it.

Sponsored By Salesforce
Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) is an essential part of keeping an organization's operations running smoothly as it ensures facilities

Sponsored By Siemens
“数字孪生”和“数字线程”是一切数字化战略的关键要素;人们都在谈论它们,但很少有公司能够为我们明确介绍这些术语究竟意指何物。《航空周刊》对西门子数字工业软件公司 A&D 战略部总监约翰·奥康纳(John O’Connor)进行了采访,了解数字化相关以及国防企业如何凭借更为先进的工具获取优势等问题。
Aerospace & Defense

Sponsored By Dassault Systemes
Electromagnetic Environmental Effects (E3) mitigation is an integral part of overall aerospace platform design. This webinar will demonstrate the CST approach..
Knowledge Center

Sponsored By Embraer
The C-390 Millennium is a truly remarkable aircraft, fast gaining a reputation for its reliability and performance in delivering vital aid, completing humanitarian missions and playing a key role in joint military exercises.
Multi-Mission Aircraft