Brazil Helps Fund More Horizon Acquisitions

Credit: Alaska Air

The Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES) has approved financing worth approximately R$900 million ($152 million) for American regional airline Horizon Air to import six Embraer E175s.

This is the Bank's second financing for Horizon since 2023, when the institution supported the export of 11 Embraer aircraft.

Seattle-based Horizon, a subsidiary of Alaska Air Group, operates a route network primarily in the western US, together with some services to Canada.

Alaska Airlines lists Horizon as currently having 44 E175s, in a 76-seat layout – 12 first-class, 12 premium and 52 main cabin.

BNDES’ financing is through Exim Post-Shipment and will cover a portion of the airline's total investment. The aircraft will be delivered by Embraer throughout 2025 and 2026, and Horizon will assume the commitment to pay BNDES in dollars, generating foreign exchange for Brazil.

“From January 2023 to January 2025, BNDES has already approved financing for the export of 141 Embraer aircraft, a number 67% higher than the exports approved during the previous administration,” BNDES president Aloizio Mercadante said.

“For US companies alone, we have supported 100 aircraft since 2023. This type of result contributes to Embraer, with the bank's historic support, being one of the global leaders in the aerospace industry.”

“BNDES' strategic action to stimulate Embraer's aircraft exports strengthens not only the company, but the entire ecosystem in which the company operates in Brazil," Embraer's president and CEO, Francisco Gomes Neto noted.

“In doing so, it contributes to the sustainability of a robust national production chain and to the generation of income and thousands of qualified jobs in the country.”

Alan Dron

Based in London, Alan is Europe & Middle East correspondent at Air Transport World.