Embraer has brought an A-29 Super Tucano to the Farnborough Airshow static display.
FARNBOROUGH—Embraer has secured an order for six A-29 Super Tucanos from the Paraguayan Air Force, with deliveries set to begin next year.
The country’s air force chief, Gen. Júlio Rubén Fullaondo Céspedes, says Paraguay is purchasing the aircraft amid a wider modernization push in the face of “new threats, such as combating drug trafficking and transnational organized crime.”
Announcing the order at the Farnborough Airshow, Embraer says it will also provide unspecified mission equipment and integrated logistics services for the aircraft to Paraguay.
The Brazilian OEM is working on a version of the light attack aircraft to meet NATO requirements. Embraer unveiled the so-called A-29N concept last year. Portugal is the likely launch customer.