As the market foresees a resurgence in widebody aircraft demand, Aviation Week’s 2023 Fleet & MRO Forecast predicts that commercial MRO demand for widebody aircraft will represent a value of $451.9 billion for the period of 2023-32.
According to Aviation Week’s data, there are currently around 5,700 widebody aircraft in service and approximately 3,754 widebody aircraft will be delivered by 2032.
The data shows that more than 50% of the total widebody MRO demand will consist of engine maintenance at around $232.8 billion. Components and line maintenance both account for 16%, while modifications and airframe heavy will see demand around $49.7 billion and $22.9 billion, respectively.
The majority of widebody MRO demand will be primarily driven by Boeing aircraft, representing the value of around $284.2 billion. Airbus widebodies will also contribute significantly to widebody MRO demand.
Furthermore, C checks and engine overhauls will comprise the largest share of widebody MRO shop visits for the period of 2023-32, according to Aviation Week’s data.
It is forecast that there will be approximately 25,195 engine overhauls and 19,675 shop visits related to C checks. Meanwhile, there will be a demand of 5,192 D checks and 3,003 engine LLP events for widebody aircraft over the next 10 years.
Source: Aviation Week Intelligence Network Commercial Aviation 2023 Fleet & MRO Forecast