UAE-based Sanad has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Triumph Group that will focus on the provision of engine maintenance services.
The agreement announced Monday (May 24) will see both parties combine to develop further engine capabilities across several platforms in the Middle East and Africa.
Both parties plan to establish a center of excellence that will operate out of Sanad’s Abu Dhabi home base and focus specifically on jointly providing MRO solutions for V2500, CFM and GE90 engine accessory repairs and overhauls.
Sanad, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Mubadala Investment Company, says the MoU will help its capabilities develop beyond engine overhauls while Triumph, a U.S. headquartered engine parts manufacturer and repair specialist, will get an immediate footprint in the Middle East and Africa region.
“The discussions around this partnership with Sanad have progressed very quickly and confirmed the need for establishing the only comprehensive engine components MRO in the Middle East region,” says Jim Berberet, president of Triumph Product Support.
Mansoor Janahi, Group CEO of Sanad, adds: “As part of our ongoing expansion efforts across the Middle East and emerging African markets, our strategic alliance with Triumph will amplify Sanad’s ability to offer best-in-class MRO solutions to major industry players across two continents – and beyond.”