Business & Commercial Aviation News From October 1970

The Abbotsford Generation

Anyone who has followed the bizarre airline hijacking situation and has given serious thought to possible solutions very likely has concluded that the long-term answer is international agreement. . . 

. . . Take away the asylum at the end of his trip and the potential hijacker soon turns to other ways of venting his diabolical spleen on humanity. . . . The airlines on their own were reluctant to make any overt move against the hijacking threat.

A bust as an industry showcase, but the best airshow this side of Paris. Here was a now-generation gathering of some 129,000 folks — at least 60% of them under 18 — who converged during three days on a fertile meadow in the lush Fraser River Valley in British Columbia.

NBAA Denver

The colorful Markowsky clan, which enjoys pre-eminence among hospitable FBOs (Grand Island, Nebraska) installed a mechanical desperado to shoot it out (electronically) with some of the slowest draws in the world. 

Mr. and Mrs. Juan Trippe (center, left) who need no introduction. And a young lady who caught the photographer’s eye.

The sweatshop crew for the NBAA Daily (bottom), which reported everything fit to print, and then some. (Later to become know as the BCA ShowNews.)

People Scene at NBAA: Bill Lear telling about Learium, a new substance that will make his steam engine feasible, and about a palm-size autopilot that will fly anything from a Cessna 310 to a Boeing 747 . . . Capt. E.B. Jeppesen, noting in his ever-present notebook that Jepp's DCA airport diagram misspells hangar as “hanger” twice . . . Ex-astronaut Wally Schirra emceeing the First Niter Banquet with main speaker Apollo XII commander Pete Conrad . . . Mo Barret, ex-copilot for Diamond International, looking for left-seat duties saying the job situation is tighter than the Fed’s grip on the money market.

The Archive

BCA – October 1950 Cover
SN-600 Corvette bizjet, being built in France by Aerospatiale, has been flying since July Its manufacturer figures its main attraction will be the 18.8-ft.-long cabin said to offer more passenger area than on any other small bizjet. Designed for cruise at Mach 0.72 with two P&W JT15D-1 turbofans, the Corvette is expected to sell for $800,000-900,000. Photo by Phillippe LeBouc.
Miami Aviation Corporation (MAC) AD
Miami Aviation Corp. or MAC as it is commonly knows, says its multimillion-dollor bonus check may not buy our wife a mink stole, but it just might put a few extra bills into your pay envelope.


Jessica A. Salerno

Jessica is Executive Editor of Business & Commercial Aviation magazine. She started as Editor of ShowNews Online, Aviation Week's on-site trade show daily published at the Paris Air Show, NBAA Annual Convention, Singapore Air Show and at other significant aerospace gatherings.