在COVID-19疫情依然沿着毁灭性道路在全球肆虐之际,航空和航天界正在竭尽所能,在保障各人安全的同时推动业务发展(且业务量不断上升)。就我们而言,航空周刊 - Aviation Week Network正在为航空业提供重要信息和数据,为行业发展提供支持,帮助行业度过危机,最终实现复苏和再次增长。
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues along its devastating path, the aviation and aerospace community is doing everything possible to keep each other safe while moving forward (and increasingly upward). For our part, the Aviation Week Network is supporting the industry with crucial information and data to help navigate the crisis and ultimately recover and grow again.
The demand for trusted, actionable content has exceeded our wildest expectations, and our teams of editors, analysts and event producers have significantly ramped up their efforts to deliver more. We are all proud to be able to help you know, predict and connect during this unprecedented time.
但是,还有太多太多的事情要做,而且越来越需要我们直接携手共克时艰。我不了解您,但是我已经迫不及待想要再次搭乘飞机,面对面的与同事和客户进行交流。在过去的25年里,我们的展会业务以会议会展的模式(从大型MRO 展会到《快讯》、世界航线发展大会、航空研究中心峰会等等)在全球各地为业内同仁搭建了宝贵的桥梁,成为彼此间合作的催化剂。
There is much, much more to do, and increasingly it will revolve around connecting with each other directly. I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to get back on an airplane to interact with peers and customers in a face-to-face environment. For the past 25 years, our event business has been a catalyst for connecting the industry at conferences and tradeshows around the world—from our big MRO shows to SpeedNews, Routes and CAPA Summits. But the sad reality is that face-to-face events will remain “grounded” in the near term, even as the need to network, share information, buy-sell and build relationships grows more intense. For us, that has meant finding new and innovative ways to satisfy the human need to interact:
- 我们的系列网络研讨会吸引了来自世界各地的航空专业人士和高级管理人员,注册人数已超过8万人。这种形式还将继续下去。Our webinar series has topped 80,000 registered viewers, attracting aerospace professionals and senior executives from around the world. These will continue.
- 力求呈现更为成熟的虚拟展会,不仅包括视频内容,还包括用以展示产品和服务、产生潜在客户的数字市场,设置会议和配对工具以及有组织的社交时间。我们无法完全模拟出面对面的交流效果,但是相信一些新的互动工具为带给您出其不意的效果。Look for more elaborate virtual events that not only include video-delivered content but also digital marketplaces for showcasing products and services and generating leads, with meeting and matchmaking tools and organized networking time. We can’t totally emulate the networking of a face-to-face event, but you’ll be surprised at how well some of the new tools perform in that regard.
- 航空航天&国防周(实际跨越7月10日至7月24日两周时间)将延续行业年中惯例,在法恩伯勒或巴黎举行会议,共同展望未来。我们的编辑人员将以“全新面貌——前进的航路”为主题带来深刻的新前瞻性内容,并以多种数字形式呈现,包括航空航天业CEO访谈和技术讲座等。Aerospace & Defense Week (actually spanning two weeks from July 10 to July 24) will continue the industry’s mid-year ritual of getting together in Farnborough or Paris to look at the future. Our editors will bring deep new forward-looking content under the theme “Reset – Flight Paths Forward” and present it in multiple digital formats, including interviews with leading aerospace CEOs and Tech Talks.
- 虚拟亚洲航空维修国际会议与展览将汇集来自亚洲和世界各地的航空公司、OEM和供应商在一个新的配对平台上建立联系,探讨机队计划,飞机重返服务以及MRO的短期和长期需求。Virtual MRO Asia will convene airlines, OEMs and suppliers from across Asia and the world to network on a new matchmaking platform and discuss fleet plans, aircraft reentry to service and MRO demands for the short and long term.
- 这两项活动都将展示新推出的航空周刊 - Aviation Week Network市场,这是我们MRO Links的扩展版,现已融汇了航空航天领域的供应商和买家。约有1000家公司及其产品将在此为整个行业的买家创建新的便捷采购资源。Both events will showcase the newly launched Aviation Week Marketplace, an expanded version of our successful MRO Links, now incorporating suppliers and buyers from the aerospace sector. Some 1,000 companies and their products will be featured to create a new, convenient sourcing resource for buyers across the industry.
在筹备这些大型数字化活动,以及航空运输、航空航天和MRO领域的更多活动之时,我们也在计划在秋季举行几次面对面的活动。这些活动已经获得了政府的批准,而且我们有信心营造一个安全、高效的环境。如需了解近期展会活动,敬请访问 AviationWeek.com.。
While we are working on these large digital events—and more in air transport, aerospace and MRO—we are still planning for several face-to-face events in the fall where we have permission from governments and the confidence in a safe and productive environment. You can keep abreast of all of our coming events at AviationWeek.com.
航空周刊 - Aviation Week Network将秉承103年的传统,竭尽所能帮助业界度过这场危机。自3月份以来,我们已经发布了超过17000条内容(包括2600篇分析性文章),以展现本行业会如何应对并走出这场前所未有的危机。
The Aviation Week Network is committed to helping the industry through this crisis as we have so many times in our past 103 years. Since March, we have published more than 17,000 pieces of content, including 2,600 analytical articles, to help show how our industry will deal with and make its way out of this unprecedented crisis.
We’re looking forward to the clouds breaking and to connecting with you very soon.