Tampa International Airport (TPA) believes significant route opportunities remain both at home and overseas, despite already serving more destinations now than before COVID-19.
Breeze now offers 10 destinations from TPA, and Avelo will soon launch the first-ever nonstop service to New Haven, Connecticut, which is “a testament to the resilience of our home market” according to TPA's director of research and air service development Alex Heiter.
“In the near term TPA is focused on continuing to restore service lost due to COVID, while encouraging new O&D opportunities spawned by visitors flocking to Tampa Bay,” Heiter told Routes. “Longer term, TPA seeks to expand domestic and international service, including a variety of popular but unserved O&Ds.”
Heiter said the TPA team is looking forward to reconnecting face-to-face with airlines at World Routes 2021 to “hear about their plans and share our story—a vibrant and resilient region whose passenger recovery has strongly outpaced the overall US market.”
Photo credit: Tampa International Airport