Sponsored by San Antonio International Airport, the Routes app contains the latest event information. Here is how you can use the app to maximize your time at Routes Americas 2018:
Download the app before you travel
Download the app by searching for ‘Routes events’ in your chosen app store and login using your email and Personal Registration Code (PRC). If you have used the app at a Routes event before, you can login using the password that you previously set.
Want to choose your own password? Visit the login screen and enter your email, on the next screen you will see a reset password button. Click this button and receive an email that will allow you to select your own password.
Find out who’s attending
The Routes app contains the latest delegate list. You can filter by organisation type and view the number of delegates representing a specific company. You can even follow other delegates and receive notifications when they post updates. Give it a go, follow the Routes account at Routes Americas 2018.
Promote your key messages
The app was used more than 8,000 times by delegates at Routes Americas 2017. Capitalise on the unrivalled promotional opportunity that the app provides and reach out to your key targets using the app. Create eye-catching posts to capture the attention of the route development community in Quito.
Plan your time effectively
Did you know that it’s possible to create your own agenda in the app? Delegates created over 1,000 bookmarks during Routes Americas 2017. Use the event programme to select the conference programme sessions, face-to-face meetings and networking events that are of interest to you and create your own personalised itinerary.
Request additional meetings
Accessible directly via the app from 12pm on Monday, 12 February, the On-site Meeting System allows you to accept, decline and request additional meetings at the event. It also provides you with the latest version of your meetings diary.
Transfer times at your fingertips
Know when the next airport or intra-event bus is arriving by viewing the transfer timetable on the app. If you miss one of the event transfers or are wanting to explore Quito after the event, we strongly recommend you use Cabify, a link to the Cabify app is available in the main app navigation.
Download the Routes app today and maximise your time at Routes Americas 2018. Please note the Routes app is only available to those who have registered for this year’s event. Users will require a unique email address and PRC.