Hosting duties for next year’s Routes World, the global route development event, have been handed over to iGA – Istanbul Airport (IST).
Speaking at a ceremony in Las Vegas as Routes World 2022 drew to a close, director of Routes Steven Small said: “With a strategy in place to reach over 100 million passengers by 2026, iGA – Istanbul Airport is ready to take advantage of the capacity created by the move to the new airport.
“By hosting Routes World 2023, the airport will showcase the significant development opportunities for foreign carriers and strengthen the position of Turkish Airlines.”
Kadri Samsunlu, CEO of iGA Istanbul Airport, said that being chosen as the event host is a source of pride for both iGA Istanbul Airport and Turkish aviation. He said: “It will be an honour to host this event on our Republic's 100th anniversary. We are thrilled to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of our Republic at the Routes World 2023 event.”
Acting as a central hub connecting east and west, Istanbul is one of the most visited destinations in the world. The city has hosted a significant number of prestigious conferences in recent years including the World Energy Congress, the World Congress of Neurosurgery and the World Humanitarian Summit.
With more than 60 capital cities a four-hour flight time, Istanbul’s strategic location has often resulted in a perception that the airport solely acts as a transfer point between east and west.
A key strategic aim for Istanbul in hosting the event will be to attract new LCCs that will capitalize on the point-to-point potential of the destination.
Routes World will take place on 15-17 October 2023