U.S. Army

By Brian Everstine
The U.S. Army wants $1.5 billion for its Future Vertical Lift programs.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
The Army eventually plans to buy its own jets to carry HADES, but will first deploy the payload on contractor-owned and operated business jet-class aircraft.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Steve Trimble
Shield AI and Boeing have agreed to explore ways to deepen an existing relationship by working to introduce artificial intelligence pilots on combat aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Graham Warwick
Advanced battery producer American Lithium Energy has secured $13.2 million in funding to expand its U.S.-based manufacturing capacity.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Guy Norris
Sikorsky is working with Leonardo Helicopters to evaluate its X2 coaxial rigid-rotor compound helicopter technology for application to an emerging Italian Army.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
Calls for the Biden administration to send Lockheed Martin F-16s to Ukraine’s air force are growing louder on Capitol Hill.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
The Pentagon on Feb. 24 announced another major batch of military aid for Ukraine just as Russia’s invasion passes the one-year mark.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
Sierra Nevada Corp.’s new, small fleet of future contractor-owned, contractor-operated surveillance jets is taking shape.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
A new level of scrutiny and investment is coming to high- and near-space altitudes following a bizarre series of ballooning incidents in February.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Brian Everstine
Two new long-range weapon prototypes are still on schedule to be delivered to U.S. Army soldiers this year.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Steve Trimble
The market survey request comes out two weeks after USAF fighters shot down a Chinese high-altitude balloon with apparent surveillance systems aboard.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Brian Everstine
A U.S. Army Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk on a training flight Feb. 15 crashed in Huntsville, Alabama, killing two people on board.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Chen Chuanren
Australia ditches problematic European choppers for U.S. ones.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
Lockheed Martin's supplemental protest entered the protest docket on Feb. 6, or 40 days after the Sikorsky parent filed the first complaint against the Army.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The goals of the effort suggest a future battlefield in which robotic air/ground teams are able to perform missions with little risk to human operators.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Jen DiMascio
South Korea aims for carrier-based KF-21; SOCOM’s 18-day deadline; Senator eyes electronic warfare progress; and U.S. Army prepares 2040 vision.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Jen DiMascio
The U.S. Army can accept some risk in crafting a vision for forces in 2040, U.S. Army Futures Command chief Gen. James Rainey said Feb. 8.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Guy Norris
Bell’s tandem-cockpit, single-main-rotor Invictus is competing for the FARA contest against Sikorsky’s Raider X.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
A zigzagging Chinese high-altitude balloon roving across the U.S. recalls a history of lighter-than-air spy missions and highlights a new trend.
Sensors & Electronic Warfare

By Tony Osborne
The delivery comes 44 years after the twin-engine platform was first fielded by the Army and 49 years since the first flight in October 1974.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Brian Everstine
The Army wants its Black Hawk replacement fielded quickly, though the schedule faces uncertainty as the Government Accountability Office reviews Bell’s award.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The upgrade is Honeywell’s answer to a move by GE Aviation to offer the more powerful T408 turboshaft engine as a future upgrade option.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
A design change of the Bell 360 Invictus was driven by the release of the U.S. Army ’s list of requirements for mission systems, the company’s CEO said Oct. 7.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
Northrop’s engineers are actively discussing a new version of the unmanned RQ-4 with the Army that would require substantial modifications to the baseline aircraft.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Steve Trimble
The U.S. Army’s 35 modernization priorities all survived budget reviews in the first months of the Biden Administration for the fiscal 2022 budget request, but there may be a wave of major spending changes in fiscal 2023.
Budget, Policy & Operations