Spain welcomed more than 1 million visitors from Mexico in 2024, setting a milestone for travel between the two countries as airline capacity hit record levels.
German defense electronics company Hensoldt says it has secured a $367 million contract for work on the Eurofighter Mk. 1 radar for use by Germany and Spain.
Spain’s Satnus joint venture, established to develop autonomous remote carrier technologies for the European FCAS, has completed its first flight test campaign.
Airbus and Spanish shipbuilder Navantia have agreed to explore the navalization of the Sirtap UAS, potentially enabling it to operate from Juan Carlos I.
The acquisition of Ferrovial Vertiports, announced Jan. 8, came after a pivot by Spanish infrastructure giant Ferrovial away from the vertiport business in late 2024.
Spain’s Council of Ministers has approved the creation of Enaire Global Services, a new international arm for Spanish air traffic management provider ENAIRE.
Spain is acquiring another 25 Eurofighters through Madrid’s Halcon II program, adding to 20 aircraft ordered in June 2022 through the original Halcon I buy.