
By Alan Dron
Ghana is to restart its attempts to create a new national airline after being without one for more than two decades.
Airlines & Lessors

By Steve Trimble
The negotiations began after a Feb. 19 demonstration of the turboprop-powered A-29 at Accra Airbase attended by top Ghanaian Armed Forces officials.
Light Attack and Advanced Training

By David Casey
If approved by the US Transportation Department, flights between Kigali and New York will operate via Accra, Ghana.
Airports & Networks

By Alan Dron
Routes within Africa and to/from North and South America are envisioned.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Routes' latest update on how airlines and airports across the Middle East and Africa are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
The Routes Africa team took the time to help out an incredibly important education project in the city.
Airports & Networks

By Edward Robertson
African airlines must act now take advantage of the new Single African Aviation Transport Market, Routes Africa delegates have heard.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
Routesonline takes a look at some of the key statistics shaping the market of Routes Africa 2018 host country Ghana.
Airports & Networks

By Wesley Charnock
Ghana Airports Company Limited MD John Attafuah outlines the country's ambitious network development plans.
Airports & Networks

By David Casey
A closer look at the facts and figures shaping the host country of Routes Africa 2018.
Airports & Networks