Ukrainian forces appear to have used French-supplied Hammer AASM air-launched guided bombs in action, reports from both sides of the frontline have indicated.
France’s military modernization is ambitious, expansive and well underway, according to data from Aviation Week Network’s Fleet Discovery Military tool.
An Airbus-Dassault Aviation dispute is threatening the timeline for the development of the four-nation Eurodrone, a German defense ministry report has revealed.
However, domestic travel is still suffering from videoconferencing replacing business travel and passengers switching from flying to taking the train or car.
A coalition of nations led by France is beginning to firm up plans for the creation of a NATO-compatible ground-based air defense system to protect Ukraine.
Safran may take the Italian government to court after Rome blocked its purchase of Collins Aerospace's actuation and flight control systems business from RTX.
A company has announced a “record-setting” $100 million “seed” round of venture capital investment toward its proposed platform for lunar transportation.