Deutsche Bahn

By Helen Massy-Beresford
As part of the dispute, the EC and other international competition authorities had imposed fines of almost €800 million against 11 air freight carriers.
Airlines & Lessors

By Alex Derber
Investment in the pipeline following closing of a multi-million dollar financing facility with banking giant Deutsche Bank.
Services & Support

By Graham Warwick
German aerospace center DLR and Deutsche Aircraft have conducted the first measurements of emissions from a turboprop aircraft powered by 100% synthetic fuel.
Emerging Technologies

By Kurt Hofmann
United Airlines has joined Star Alliance’s intermodal partnership with German rail operator Deutsche Bahn and its transatlantic joint venture partner Lufthansa.
Airlines & Lessors

By Helen Massy-Beresford
Like many other carriers, ITA is focusing on rail partnerships amid increased scrutiny on the environmental impact of aviation and pressure to cut emissions.
Airlines & Lessors

By Alex Derber
The leasing giant’s CEO cites engine OEM reluctance to lose out on valuable maintenance revenues as a factor.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Kurt Hofmann
Lufthansa’s passengers already have access to the German air-rail connection Star has tapped.
Airports & Networks