Check 6 Revisits

By Christine Boynton, Guy Norris, Steve Trimble
Boeing's Mike Lombardi joins editors for a deep dive into the revolutionary bomber that shaped modern airliner design as we know it.
Check 6

By Christine Boynton, Guy Norris, Graham Warwick
Hypersonics expert Dr. Mark Lewis joins the podcast to examine the X-30 NASP program, and how—decades later—its legacy still lives on.
Check 6

By Christine Boynton, Guy Norris
CFM International CEO Gael Meheust joins the podcast to dive into the remarkable story behind the CFM56: Hear how teams on opposite sides of the Atlantic persevered against the odds to propel the industry into a new age.
Check 6

By Christine Boynton, Guy Norris, Steve Trimble, Graham Warwick
Aviation Week editors go back through the archives to the origins of supersonic flight, revisiting key programs and exploring the issues that are still challenging high-speed aircraft designers today.
Check 6

By Christine Boynton, Guy Norris, Steve Trimble
Boeing never built the 7J7, but its legacy continues to be felt to this day. Listen in to hear how technology once studied for that program could re-emerge on the company’s next new airplane almost 40 years later.
Check 6

By Christine Boynton, Steve Trimble, Guy Norris
On the 60th anniversary of an LBJ press conference, Aviation Week editors revisit the moment Lockheed’s YF-12 was revealed for the very first time.
Check 6