Textron Aviation received its first international sale of seven Beechcraft King Air 260 military multi-engine training aircraft from SkyAlyne and KF Aerospace.
After seven quarters of revenue contraction, Wheels Up’s business has stabilized and is positioned for a profitable 2025, company officials said as they reported third-quarter (Q3) 2024 financials.
The British Business and General Aviation Association is seeking a meeting with the UK aviation minister about a planned 50% hike in the air passenger duty.
Argentina’s defense spending has shrunk as a percentage of GDP in the last few years, requiring its operational needs to be met primarily through purchases of second-hand aircraft.
Spanish/Australian startup Dovetail Electric Aviation expects to begin ground testing a new iteration of its integrated hydrogen fuel cell powerplant as soon as June.
Recent and deepening cooperation between Russia and China in the Arctic has underscored Canada’s sense of urgency in building out its ISR and maritime ISR capabilities.