
By Tony Osborne
The strained relations between airframer HAL and the Indian Air Force were on full view during Aero India.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Tony Osborne
Defense Minister Rajnath Singh says policies adopted by the current Indian government had “galvanized” the entire defense sector.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
A crippling lack of key indigenous infrastructure and skills continues to hold back India’s defense industry, despite rising investment.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Steve Trimble
The quiet Dec. 23 announcement that the Kaveri jet engine is now cleared to reenter flight test after a 15-year-long hiatus could be easily missed.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Richard Aboulafia
Companies that supply engines, avionics, missiles and other systems find a market as nations seek to develop their own aircraft
Supply Chain

By Steve Trimble
The “successful” sortie of the first Tejas Mk1A, bearing company serial number LA-5033, lasted 18 min. and was flown by chief test pilot KK Venugpal.
Aircraft & Propulsion

By Maxim Pyadushkin
Indian Air Force investigators are probing the March 12 crash of a Tejas light combat aircraft—the first such accident since the type’s initial test flight.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Richard Aboulafia
Changes to India’s military procurement process would have implications for the broader world combat aircraft market.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Chen Chuanren
India has carried out the first live firing of the indigenously developed Astra air-to-air missile from its HAL Tejas fighter.
Missile Defense & Weapons

By Jen DiMascio
A joint statement hailed the agreement as a “trailblazing initiative that would “enable greater transfer of U.S. jet engine technology than ever before.”
Aircraft & Propulsion