Space Launch System

By Irene Klotz
Following a short-lived debut flight on April 20, an upgraded Starship-Super Heavy vehicle is being prepared for launch.
Commercial Space

By Mark Carreau
Three women astronaut candidates from 1978 observed the milestone and encouraged those from all backgrounds to follow their dreams.

By Mark Carreau
Singer has held the director’s post since 2018, after serving two years as MSFC’s deputy director.

By Mark Carreau
NASA has managed to improve the cost performance of 16 major projects over the past year, a GAO report says.

By Irene Klotz
Five years after Jeff Bezos began wooing NASA to buy Blue Origin lunar landing services, the U.S. space agency said “yes.”
Commercial Space

By Guy Norris
The rocket-engine-maker mulls next-gen propulsion plans as certification tests of the new-build RS-25 reach the halfway point.

By Guy Norris
The first all-new RS-25 built in over 15 years incorporates improvements Aerojet introduced into the refurbished former space shuttle RS-25s for SLS flights.

By Mark Carreau
NASA administrator acknowledges the cost and schedule issues across some of its most challenging human deep-space exploration and space-science objectives.
Budget, Policy & Operations

By Mark Carreau
The next flight in NASA’s Artemis program will test how Orion’s life support systems operate under pressure.