Heart’s full-scale demonstrator has arrived in the U.S. as the Swedish startup prepares to conduct the first flight of the 105-ft.-span electric aircraft.
As the Swedish hybrid-electric startup takes a step toward flying a prototype of its regional aircraft, the road to certification remains long and risky.
Heart also plans to fly the X1 within the next six months from a yet-to-be-decided airport in the U.S., which would make it the first new-generation hybrid aircraft to reach that milestone.
Dutch startup is the latest to move away from all-electric propulsion and toward a larger hybrid design that it hopes will better meet market requirements.
Heart Aerospace's ES-30 electric regional aircraft is the first Part 25 transport-category application for Honeywell’s paperback-sized flight control computer.
Crane Aerospace & Electronics is to collaborate with Heart Aerospace to define the power distribution system for the Swedish startup’s planned ES-30 electric regional airliner.