Tommy Hughes, VAS CEO, and Fritz Beiner, SR Technics’ senior vice president for procurement, sign an agreement for material and assets at MRO Americas.
CHICAGO—SR Technics signed a five-year contract extension with VAS Aero Services at Aviation Week Network’s MRO Americas for Pratt & Whitney PW4000-100-in. engine maintenance.
The deal, signed on April 9 and worth at least $50 million annually, helps SR Technics provide lower cost of ownership through used serviceable material and spare engines, says Tommy Hughes, VAS Aero CEO.
The agreement guarantees that VAS will provide spare PW4000 engines to SR Technics customers when their powerplants are undergoing maintenance. VAS is the engine pool provider.
VAS has been investing in the Airbus A330—evidenced by its purchase of four A330s from American Airlines and 18 engines over the last 18 months, Hughes says.
When PW1000s reach the end of their useful life on wing, VAS sends them to SR Technics, which dismantles them and re-certifies used serviceable material for upcoming shop visits.
VAS became an independent subsidiary of Satair, an Airbus company, in 2022.