Top Monthly Content From AUSA 2022
October 13, 2022
Pentagon Wants Cheaper Hypersonics To Convince Doubters
Credit: Lockheed Martin. The Pentagon’s head of research and engineering wants hypersonics programs to become cheaper and show tangible successes in tests to convince doubters in the Pentagon that the weapons will be effective.

U.S. Army Plans Multiple LRHW Tests Ahead Of Late 2023 Fielding Goal
Credit: U.S. Army. The U.S. Army is planning multiple, critical live-fire tests of its Long-Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRWH)—assessing the common hypersonic glide body, two-stage rocket motor and ground systems—as it moves toward a fielding date of late 2023.

U.S. Army, Sikorsky Negotiating Final UH-60 Multiyear Contract
Credit: DOD. The U.S. Army and Sikorsky are in negotiations on what is expected to be the final multiyear procurement contract for the UH-60 Black Hawk, with an award expected early next year.

U.S. Foreign Military Sales Rebound To $50 Billion in Fiscal 2022

Safran Begins Arriel 2E Helicopter Engine Assembly In Texas
Credit: Safran. Safran has begun producing Arriel 2E helicopter engines in Texas to support the U.S. Army’s purchase of the B-model UH-72 Lakota helicopter.

Shyu Wants New Funding To Bridge ‘Valley of Death'
Credit: U.S. Government. The Pentagon’s new director of research and engineering wants more money for small businesses to mature technology to avoid the vaunted “valley of death” in acquisition and is proposing new leaders within her office to move faster on developing software and lowering sustainment costs.

GA-ASI, Army Developing Open Systems Upgrade For MQ-1C
Credit: MQ-1C: US Army. A shift to an open systems architecture could be coming for the General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. (GA-ASI) MQ-1C Gray Eagle-Extended Range (GE-ER) fleet.

Defense Security Cooperation Agency Director Resigns
Credit: U.S. Air Force. Heidi Grant, director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) who oversees U.S. military sales abroad, has announced she will step down after 15 months in the job.

Textron Systems Unveils Aerosonde Upgrade For FTUAS
Credit: Aerosonde HQ: Textron Systems. Textron Systems has unveiled a new version of the Aerosonde unmanned aircraft system (UAS) with a 25-lb. payload capacity to compete for a U.S. Army contract.
From U.S. Army close to requesting bids for Athena-R Fleet and Northrop seeks to move survivability tool into FVL demos. Explore a monthly guide of the top stories from the AUSA 2022 Show!