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Middle East Business Aviation Fleet And MRO Forecast

mebaa jets
Credit: Wirestock, Inc./Alamy Stock Photo

The business aviation fleets in the Middle East and North Africa regions are steadily growing.

Long-range aircraft have dominated the Middle East business aviation fleet, and the future looks the same.

Over the next decade, expect aircraft OEMs to deliver about 160 business aircraft in the region, according to Aviation Week Network Business Aviation Fleet & MRO Forecast data. Of that, three-quarters of those shipments will be Bombardier and Gulfstream aircraft.

MRO demand correlates with the fleet growth in the region.

Expect the Middle East business aviation fleets to generate $260 million in MRO next year, with top demand for Bombardier, Boeing and Gulfstream aircraft.

Fast forward to 2034, when MRO demand will climb to $341 million that year. Gulfstream aircraft will generate the most demand in 2034, representing 28% of that aftermarket demand.

The Aviation Week forecast shows the value of MRO demand will increase 3.1% over the decade. This compares to 3.2% for the entire world. Despite the larger aircraft size, the Middle East region’s dollar value growth is slightly less because of a marginally younger fleet than the worldwide average.

So far this year, large jets have generated 67% of the flight hours in the region, with Bombardier Global Express aircraft having logged the most flight hours (34,691 through August). Over the same eight-month period in 2023, that represents an 11% increase.