Mark Nensel is the Managing Editor of Aviation Daily. Prior to taking the helm of daily production of Aviation Week's commercial aviation newsletter in 2018, Mark was a reporter and data analyst for Air Transport World.
With an additional $586 million in US airport infrastructure grants, FAA’s fifth round of airport improvement program (AIP) awards brought the total announced year to date to $3.3 billion, just shy of the $3.35 billion allotted for the program in fiscal year 2018 federal funding.
ExpressJet Airlines pilots have ratified a new three-year contract, the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)—which represents ExpressJet’s 1,100 pilots—said Sept. 27.
ExpressJet Airlines pilots have ratified a new three-year contract, the Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA)—which represents ExpressJet’s 1,100 pilots—said Sept. 27.