David Esler



David Esler
Yes, Virginia, Scandinavia is part of Europe, and two of the countries featured here — Denmark and Sweden — are members of the European Union. What that means, if you're headed to either of those countries, is that your flight will come under the EU's notorious Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) and taxed from point of origin to destination (i.e., not entry into EU airspace).
Business Aviation

David Esler
What follows is a compilation of actual inflight emergencies experienced by business aviation flight crews in oceanic airspace. Note the follow-throughs, cockpit resource management, and adherence to ICAO contingency procedures these tales reflect.
Business Aviation

David Esler
“The most important thing with international procedures for contingencies is an equal understanding between the pilot and the controller on the actions the former is required to take,” Chris Dalton, ICAO's chief of air traffic management and a former oceanic controller, told BCA. “The pilot must have an understanding of what the controller wants him to do, otherwise the controller can't maintain separation and keep the airspace safe.”
Business Aviation