WORLD ROUTES: Five Minutes with Luiz Alberto Kuster, CEO of Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos
Luiz Alberto Kuster, CEO of ABV, shares his vision for turning São Paulo’s Campinas Viracopos airport into the leading gateway in the region. Management at São Paulo Campinas Viracopos has big plans to convert the airport from a domestic gateway to a major international passenger and cargo hub.
Q) How is ABV comprised and how did you win the bidding process for the airport?
A) “The concessionaire Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos (ABV) was the winner of last year’s auction, with the deal for the concession contract to administer São Paulo Campinas Viracopos International Airport being signed on June 14, 2012 in Brasilia. This was part of the Brazilian government’s drive to share the modernisation of the country’s airports with private investors. Aeroportos Brasil Viracopos now holds the concession to administrate São Paulo Campinas Viracopos International Airport and will do so for the next 30 years. The concessionaire has 51% private capital, divided among UTC Participações SA (45%), TPI – Triunfo Participações e Investimentos SA (45%) and Egis Airport Operation (10%); and 49% of capital from Infraero.”
Q) Why should commercial airlines choose Viracopos as the new gateway to São Paulo and Brazil?
A) “We feel that the new terminal will attract more airlines, as the Viracopos catchment area represents the second highest GDP in the country, and is also the second biggest region for the issuance of air tickets in the country. We have the best transport links, with four major motorways running through the region, and the region is also the leader in technology and education, with the best universities in the country. Finally, São Paulo Campinas Viracopos International Airport has the best meteorological conditions in Brazil for take-offs and landings.”

Q) How will Viracopos be transformed into an international gateway to Brazil and the rest of Latin America?
A) “We believe that with the amount of investment that we are injecting we are going to reach our goals and we have 30 years to develop our master plan, which will be developed over five phases. As part of this, we are building a brand new passenger terminal, four runways and developing the Airport Cities concept, as well as all the relevant infrastructure and retail estates associated with that. We also have investments in a major transport link – a regional train that will connect Campinas to São Paulo, and will be ready in two years. Finally, our route development strategy consists of strengthening our domestic network; gradually expanding our Latin America links; and going further with expansion into North America, Europe and Asia.”
Q) How will the airport ensure the right balance between increasing international passenger traffic and not losing its position as a leading cargo airport?
A) “We have a lot of space, so the airport will increase its cargo business while also providing excellent services for passengers. The passenger flights will bring benefits to the freight sector, which is currently experiencing a slight decline. So we don’t think this new focus on a passenger model should be a competitor to our current model, but rather complementary, which should result in us being the biggest and the best airport in Latin America.”
This article was reproduced and edited from an original story that appeared on our sister publication Routes News. The latest bumper World Routes edition of the official air service development magazine is available in your delegate bags or can be read online by clicking here.