A Leading Leisure Hub in the Americas

Airports operator ASUR has made significant investments in Cancun Airport's infrastructure, transforming it into a modern airport with a new Terminal 3 and second runway, which has helped to double its handling capacity to 28 million passengers a year.

Route Network & Strategy

Cancun Airport has more than 115 airlines operating services to and from 120 destinations across three continents.

The airport has strategically positioned itself for passengers looking for an uncongested connection point, with plenty of spare capacity available for massive growth.

Some carriers serving Cancun have already started to make the most of this opportunity by proving connecting services to and from North America, South America and the Caribbean. Expansion to other regions is expected in the future.

During Routes Americas 2010, ASUR's route development team will be available to discuss these developments, as well as other business opportunities that it can offer as a key leisure hub in the Americas.

Further information regarding operational fees and charges at Cancun Airport can be found at:


Review the Cancun Enhanced profile or connect with the Cancun Route Development team

Richard Maslen

Richard Maslen has travelled across the globe to report on developments in the aviation sector as airlines and airports have continued to evolve and…