Deliver ‘The Perfect Presentation’ to your target airlines at Routes Silk Road
The ASM team can help you to provide the right critical data, utilise engaging visualisation techniques, deliver compelling arguments and identify the correct questions to ask, helping you to secure new air services to your airport or destination.
Working closely together, ASM’s team of consultants have been researching exactly what airlines want to see in ‘The Perfect Presentation’. With many of the consultants having worked previously as airline executives, and having experienced sitting across the other side of the table, they have used this industry knowledge and insight to develop the perfect template for your airline presentations.
Providing you with a better understanding of your target airlines’ business, ASM can give you a thorough briefing on your audience and provide you with an in depth understanding of your market. They can help you identify the right questions to ask, how to overcome objections and deliver compelling arguments as part of your presentation.
The right critical data is crucial to developing ‘The Perfect Presentation’ and ASM can offer you MIDT traffic reports and data through their My Airport Passenger Statistics (MAPS) tool to develop an in-depth business case. They can also provide you with a toolkit of graphic designs formats including anything from a simple PowerPoint presentation, a tablet or smart phone-optimised presentation to a forecast summary graphics snapshot or a poster-sized printed data sheet.
In providing advice to airports and tourism authorities, ASM will support you through Routes Europe by offering support such as market understanding, meeting coaching, sales skills, airline briefings, meeting management and most importantly preparing ‘The Perfect Presentation’ ahead of the event.
For further information email Nigel Mayes or call +44 161 234 2700 to speak to a member of the team.