ACI-NA: 'Regulatory Burdens,' Insufficient Funding Hamper FAA’s AIP Program

U.S airports collectively need $151 billion over the next five years to meet their infrastructure requirements, according to Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA).
Speaking Aug. 14 at the TakeOff North America Conference in Atlantic City, New Jersey, ACI-NA Executive Vice President Matthew Cornelius said U.S. airports are “heavily relying on debt to finance their capital needs.”
This has resulted in “a very high level of debt outstanding in recent years,” Cornelius added.
As Congress works through FAA reauthorization legislation, ACI-NA is pushing for increased Airport Improvement Program (AIP) funding. Cornelius said AIP and passenger facility charges have not been adjusted for inflation “in the past 20 years.”
He added that “regulatory burdens” are hampering airports from accessing and utilizing AIP funds most efficiently.
Airports should be trusted to “use funds in a way that benefits them best,” Cornelius said.